Setpoint I.S.’ Urgent Response Saves Millions for Customer
Dow Chemical was on the verge of losing $1 million a day as two of their 8” Camflexes needed to be pulled and repaired. Dow contacted Michael Hall of Setpoint I.S. and he had them expedited to the La Porte shop at 8:00 that night.
“The difficulty of repairing these quickly was compounded by their out of-the-ordinary construction and design. One was a high flow camflex that is very rare and difficult to source parts for,” Hall stated.
During this time La Porte was at full capacity and under heavy pressure from customers for delivery on other repairs.
“We had techs, shipping, and repair coordinator stay late waiting on the valves. Once torn down and inspected, we were able to quote and build a replacement for one valve, as well as repair the other valve to meet the customers need until a replacement can be sourced,” Hall continued.
While working after hours to meet Dow’s demand, the entire team at the La Porte facility pulled together and finished the repair.
“Finally, on Saturday, a third valve began to have issues, and we were able to help the customer troubleshoot and fix via phone to get the plant running.”
Following Setpoint’s response, Jimmy Unger of Dow Chemical submitted a QSPP, which is Dow’s method for reporting unordinary service or equipment failure. They are seen globally and a positive QSPP is rare.
Here is what Unger wrote in his QSPP report, “Setpoint did a great job of utilizing their resources and personnel to make sure we received our valves in a timely manner to the point that the shop repair folks worked around the clock for us. They were also very flexible with us when we changed our direction on what we wanted to do with one of valves at the last minute.”